章节目录 第9章 契约已定,食言者当受食盐之罚(咸死他)(2 / 2)
"From the spring’s first bloom to winter’s frost, By summer’s warmth and autumn’s cost, We call upon the turn of year, To bind our pact, both far and near.
In spring’s renewal, life begins to wake, Our bond shall grow, for our hearts’ sake. As summer’s sun climbs high in sky, Our promise burns, a steadfast tie.
With autumn’s fall, the leaves descend, Our union deepens, without end. And when winter’s chill wraps earth in white, Our pact remains, a steady light.
Through seasons’ turn, our words shall hold, A cycle strong as time unfolds. From spring’s first breath to winter’s sleep, Our bond endures, through death and keep.
By nature’s cycle, ever turning, This pact is sealed, forever burning. In earth’s great dance, from start to finish, Our contract stands, no power can diminish."(需要翻译吗?相信以各位英语专业六级的实力就不用了吧?‘咳咳,有人翻译了踢我一下。’)